Dog food

12 Sep

Yes, I actually made dog food the other day.  I do like our dog (read….like….I’m not a big dog fan), but in the past 2 years I’ve not loved him enough to make him food.  What got me though was his scratching, which just got out of hand the last two months and was really bugging me!  So, I made dog food, for a completely selfish reason.  🙂 

I will say though that I like my dog a lot better on homemade dog food.  He’s scratching a TON less, his coat is softer and smoother, and he has more of that “puppy” energy again.  I was feeding him generic kibble from the food bank, but looking back, I think he got an allergic reaction of some sort to the food.  Thus, the homemade stuff. 

Here’s what I did:


4 cups of cooked meat (this time I used a whole chicken fryer that I cooked up, and added a bit of left-over pot roast to it)

4 cups of veggies (I used fresh carrots, celery, and zucchini)

2 cups uncooked brown rice

6 cups water


I put the meat in my Ninja blender and processed it until it was in tiny chucks.  I did the same for the veggies.  Then, I added everything into my stockpot, brought to a boil, then simmered until most of the liquid was absorbed and the rice was cooked (about 30 minutes, give or take). 


This made a delicious type of doggie “casserole.”  My dog absolutely LOVES it, and stands waiting at his dish with tail wagging.  I give him between 1/2 and 3/4 cup morning and night, so this batch lasted me about 2 weeks.  It is a little messy, especially if not all of the water was absorbed.  Next time I might try to make meatballs out of it and cook them, and see if that will be less messy.  I also think any meat will work.  My next batch will be lamb and ground turkey.  I think I’ll stick with the same veggies.  I’ve also heard you could just grab a bag of frozen veggies to use, and you could use oatmeal instead of rice.  From what I learned online, for dogs you want to make sure you have about the same percentage of protein and veggies in your mix, and a little less of the starch source.

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Posted by on September 12, 2010 in Crohn's Journal, Recipes


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